
Tax Deductible Public Fund Donations

The Blue Mountains Concert Band Public Fund is a tax-deductible fund listed on the Australian Government’s Register of Cultural Organisations maintained under subdivision 30-8 of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997.

Donations to the Blue Mountains Concert Band Public Fund are tax deductible.

A cash or cheque donation must clearly specify that it is for the Blue Mountains Concert Band Public Fund.  You will be issued a receipt which can be used for your tax deduction.  Requests for allocation of the donation may be considered, however the final decision on allocation of funds will be made by the Executive Committee of Blue Mountains Concert Band Inc.

Donations made by direct deposit do not require a paper receipt.  The transaction receipt or financial statement can be used for your tax deduction.  You may include "MYB" or "BMCB" in your direct deposit description to request how you would like the donation allocated, however the final decision on allocation of funds will be made by the Executive Committee of Blue Mountains Concert Band Inc.

Donate directly to the Public Fund account

Account Name: Blue Mountains Concert Band Public Fund
BSB: 082-778
Account Number: 19-878-3169